Heart Song

Evelyn Whitebear, BSc.(Hons)
Reiki Master
Spiritual Medium & Channeller
Mediumship Readings
Mediumship can bring comfort when a loved one has passed to the spirit world. Evelyn helps to bring the two worlds closer together by reaching through the veil to bring messages through from our departed loved ones, showing that they are really never far away. During the reading Evelyn connects with the energy of whoever wishes to speak with you, bringing their messages and their love to you.
If you wish, readings can also incorporate a few tarot or oracle cards, which enhances the reading and the messages that are given.
All readings are held in the strictest of confidence. Any personal information or any other data is kept private. Full payment is required to book and reserve your scheduled appointment time.
Mediumship Readings are £30 for 30 mins
Tarot Readings
Tarot & Oracle cards are a powerful form of divination that can be used to help you to navigate through difficult times, or help support your decisions on current matters that may be causing concern or worry. Reading the cards can help you find answers to your most important questions about love, relationships, your career, finances and more, and Evelyn will give you an accurate reading based on the cards that are chosen. Each card has a different meaning depending on its position, so you will get a unique and detailed perspective on your current situation.
Tarot Readings, £30 for 30 mins - in person or online £40 by email (to cover the additional time for transcribing)
30 Minute Reading
Tarot Reading
Tarot Email Reading
Channelled Readings
Would you like to connect with your Spirit Guide, Angel Guide or your own Master Guide and allow them to bring forward a message to help you on your life path. No doubt you have heard their whispers and have followed their guidance instinctively, but this reading will give you an opportunity to know who they are, to ask questions, and to receive their blessings.
My Master Guide is Kuthumi, but I also connects with many others, such as Shiva, Ganesha, Isis, Kwan Yin, Merlin, Melchizedek & Archangel Michael.
Who might your guide be? Do you have an affinity with a particular Deity, Divinity or Ascended Master? Could it be St. Germaine, White Feather, Hermes, or Mother Mary?
Discover your connection and allow your Master Guide to give you support throughout your daily life.
Channelled readings: In person £35 - £45 Remote - Transcribed £45
depending on length of session

Spirit Guide Portraits
Have you ever wondered who your spirit guide might be or what they look like? We all have at least one, spirit guide or guardian angel who guide and assist us on our journey through life. As a psychic artist and medium I am able to connect with your guide on your behalf, bring you a message, and draw their likeness. Having their portraits drawn to hang on your wall will help to develop and strengthen your connection with them. Once you have booked your Guide Portrait I will make a connection with one of your Spirit guides, whichever one wishes to make themselves known to you and work with you at this time. I see them clairvoyantly and sometimes hear their voices too. Their image is then transferred onto onto paper with quality coloured pencil and pastels, and the spirit guide helps to guide my hand to create a more accurate image. Information about your guide will come through as the drawing develops, and then once finished, a message from them will also be given.
Guide Portraits (and messages), depending on size, can take around 4-10 hours to complete.
NB. All rights reserved of any artwork produced by Evelyn M Whitebear. I reserve the
right to use the artwork for promotional purposes ie. on leaflets, posters and website.

All readings are for people aged 18 and over only.
Evelyn Whitebear is a professional Spiritual Medium and all readings are given in an honest and genuine manner, however, the accuracy of a reading is not guaranteed. Readings should not be considered a substitute for professional advice upon which decisions are made nor relied upon as fact and no liability will be accepted by Evelyn Whitebear for any actions taken resulting from a reading or information provided, nor any consequences of such action which may or may not arise from the results.
Evelyn reserves the right to terminate any service should she consider a person to be vulnerable or at risk.
Readings are not recorded, but if you wish you can use your own device to record the session.
If you are unable to make an appointment time and need to cancel, please give Evelyn 24 hours notice to rearrange your appointment. There will be no refunds for a cancellation, but any payments will be carried forward to your rescheduled appointment. If the cancellation is made by Evelyn herself there will be a refund, or monies carried forward to rescheduled appointment. If you don't show for your appointment your forfeit your payment or deposit, or if no deposit/payment has been made, you may be charged a cancellation fee.
Channelled Messages
2nd April, 2020
Aummmmm, Aummmmm, Aummmmm……
It is I Ganesh with you my dear one, lifting your spirits as I dance around you. Waving my trunk in the air, like I just don’t care! Because all will be well. We are eternal light, you are eternal light. You may be experiencing a difficult time in your physical body right now but the light of our soul can never be dimmed. Smile my dear one this brings miracles in its own right, for a simple smile from the heart lifts your energy tenfold, and if others see you smile, it lifts theirs tenfold also. Have you felt the energy change when you smile? As soon as you smile a wave of happiness travels through your body, from your feet to the top of your head. You can feel it, like a wave passing through you, positive, happy energy, filling you and surrounding you, raising your vibration, raising the vibration of the planet, just with a simple smile. So imagine what laughter can do. At this time you are not allowed to gather in social groups so there is very little laughter around the planet at this time. But the planet still needs your laughter, so laugh in anyway you can, laugh in the small family units you are living in, laugh at humorous things on your televisions or on your internet screens, laugh at your pets, dogs chasing squirrels, cats knocking things of shelves…. Find anything you can to make you laugh. Laughter is medicine, not just for you but for the whole planet, remember this.
I now have others to visit, so I shall dance away with a wiggle and a wave of my trunk. Keep smiling my dear one, keep laughing.
I Am that I Am, I Am All that Is, All that ever was, and All that ever will be. I surround you with Light, I fill you with Light. You may feel lost but you are not one of the lost children. You are here for a purpose. Connect with me and I will lift you out of the darkness that is surrounding the earth. Your planet is but a tiny spec in the infinite cosmos, it is but a grain of sand, a spec of dust. When you see things from this perspective you may understand how fragile your planet really is. It does need protection and you are the anchors of the Light into the planet, you are the mediators, you are the filters. You anchor the light into the planet which gives the planet life. So many people this time are draining the life from the planet, and they are working in the negative, and this is an action that must stop. You are here to feed and nurture the planet and this is this only way in which she will survive. You are her protectors. Yes she nurtures you, she provides for you, food, shelter, water, and you must honour her for this, and stop the taking, stop the greed. Your natural state of being is to give and to love and to share and to nurture, but when fear is instilled upon you, you become selfish and greedy, you live in fear and panic, and become detached from the Source, you become detached from the Light and fall into the Darkness. This is the battle of this era. It is not a war of ammunitions it is simply a war of Darkness and Light, of positive and negative.
We ask you at this time to turn to the Light and to be that natural spark of kindness and love in these difficult times, and this is where the real strength lies. My dear one, be strong, you are much needed at this time. Show the way, be the torch in the darkness, and help people through, through the dark tunnel and out into the Light.
Be the change, be the Love, be the Light.
I Am that I Am, I Am All that Is, All that ever was, and All that ever will be